
Yukon Legal Services Society Workplace Sexual Harassment Clinic

Yukon Legal Services Society Workplace Sexual Harassment Clinic

The Workplace Sexual Harassment Legal Clinic, staffed by a senior lawyer, can provide free and confidential legal advice up to the point of litigation to those who believe they may have been sexually harassed in the workplace, have witnessed or are witnessing harassment. Or wish to ensure that their workplace is a harassment free zone. It is that anticipated that much of the legal advice the Clinic will provide to clients will probably focus on triage: explaining the law in the area of WSH, helping them to determine whether their concern actually constitutes WSH, helping address circumstances which may pose an immediate physical or legal danger and referring them to local resources. Within the Access to Justice mandate however, there may be additional scope to provide legal advice and services that would support a complainant’s litigation either with their own legal counsel or self-represented. In respect of the Clinic’s public education and information mandate we will be working internally and with other partners to prepare materials that can be used and adapted by the public such as draft WSH policies for the workplace, checklists for carrying out a simple investigation of an allegation of WSH, etc. as well as posters and handouts explaining what workplace sexual harassment is.