Inclusive Workplaces: A Short Workshop on Meaningfully Including 2-Spirit, Trans, Non-Binary and Gender Diverse People
Join Shae (they/them) and Shila (she/her) for a practical workshop orienting you to Moving Beyond the Binary, a lovely publication that launched on March 31st, International Day of Trans Visibility. This guide is filled with a wealth of useful information on meaningfully including gender diverse folks at work and has many supports and resources alongside the publication.
Read more![](https://www.pleac-aceij.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/webinars-item-05-190x126.png)
Supporting trans, non-binary and gender diverse communities
Trans, non-binary, 2-Spirit, and gender diverse people deserve respect and understanding at work and in the world. Join Shila and Shae from Legal Information Society NS to learn about best practices when working with this demographic. They explore how to navigate pronouns, honorifics, sex, gender, restorative methods, and more.
This webinar highlights broad takeaways from the Standing Together to Prevent Domestic Violence initiative,