
Tips for Translating Legal Information Clearly and Accurately

Providing legal information in a variety of languages can help organizations reach marginalized communities and increase access to justice but translating legal information clearly and accurately can be a challenge, even for those who have a lot of experience creating it. This webinar is intended for organizations that would like to offer legal information and education content in multiple languages.

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A Learning Journey: Successes and lessons from building a legal support service from the ground up

Join The Journey Project to learn how they built their Legal Support Service from its inception to current day. Hear about the development and evolution of the project’s unique partnership along with research and statistics that have been gathered along the way.
This webinar will help inform attendees of how to realistically approach building and growing a unique program like The Journey Project and what to expect along the way.

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Looking beyond Canada: the role of community workers and other trusted helpers in the justice ecosystem

This session is the second plenary presentation for PLEAC’s 2023 annual conference and participates in Access to Justice Week.
Programs in the US, England, and across the globe are supporting “trusted intermediaries” – front-line workers assisting community members with law-related problems – in their essential role in the justice ecosystem. We will hear from leaders,

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Roles and Responsibilities of Public Legal Educators in Reconciliation

This session is the first plenary presentation for PLEAC’s 2023 annual conference and participates in Access to Justice Week.
Kimberly Murray will share her perspectives on the role – and the responsibilities – of community organizations whose work involves educating the public about the law, legal rights and the justice system in Canada.

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Using Multiple Perspective Legal Needs Surveys to Improve Access to Legal Information: Reflections on Results from the Saskatchewan Legal Needs Assessment

Diverse perspectives are needed to solve complex issues. Recognizing this, the Centre for Research, Evaluation, and Action Towards Equal Justice and the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science and Justice Studies partnered on a multi-faceted project to better understand unmet legal needs in Saskatchewan with funding from the Law Society of Saskatchewan and Law Foundation of Saskatchewan.

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10 steps to incorporate user-testing and ensure user-centered design in projects

Do you want to confirm that your projects are meeting the needs of your users? How do you know your project is hitting the mark?
The Justice Education Society has been delivering legal education and producing legal help websites for the public for the last 30 years. They strive to make their websites and services user-centered.

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Evaluating Community Projects – Spotlighting the SHIFT Project, PEI Human Rights Commission

Do you have a community-based program and have no tangible metrics to describe how great it is? Not sure on how best to proceed with a required evaluation?
This webinar provides an introduction to participatory evaluation for community organizations. It walks through key evaluation steps and provide practical tips and tricks using examples from community project evaluations across Canada.

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Guidelines for Better Legal Workshops: Best Practices for PLE Presentations

Access to Justice Week (A2J Week) brings together a range of justice sector stakeholders to develop meaningful, public-centred solutions that advance systemic change in the justice system. OJEN is pleased to support A2J Week in 2021 with activities for students, teachers, community workers, and legal professionals. To learn more about A2J Week events in Ontario,

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How to create and host a good legal information webinar in 2022

As we move into another year of online programming, our speakers present best practices, tips, and lessons learned on how to create and host a good legal information webinar in 2022. The speakers address the following three main questions:

What are the key considerations for preparing a webinar?
What are the best ways to keep attendees engaged during a webinar?

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