
Roles and Responsibilities of Public Legal Educators in Reconciliation

About Webinar

Running Time:
60 min
Kimberly Murray, Independent Special Interlocutor, Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites

This session is the first plenary presentation for PLEAC’s 2023 annual conference and participates in Access to Justice Week.

Kimberly Murray will share her perspectives on the role – and the responsibilities – of community organizations whose work involves educating the public about the law, legal rights and the justice system in Canada. Many of the 94 Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 2015 Final Report reflect the need for deeper and broader education of the public about Canada’s long history of genocide of Indigenous peoples. What actions can, and should, public legal educators take?

This keynote address kicked off the PLEAC Conference, which took place in Toronto, Ontario on October 25 and October 26, 2023. This annual conference brings together PLEAC Members and the Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Project organizations. We invite over 100 attendees to network, share information, and attend a multitude of workshops and plenaries, including opportunities to interact with each other throughout the conference.

Speaker Bio

Kimberly Murray is a member of the Kanehsatà:ke Mohawk Nation. She is currently the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites Associated with Indian Residential Schools. Prior to this role, Ms. Murray was the Province of Ontario’s first-ever Assistant Deputy Attorney General for Indigenous Justice. Kimberly will speak to the role of public legal education in reconciliation.